Influencers are a huge value for many brands today, enabling them to acquire customers and promote products and services more effectively. However, it is worth noting that choosing the right person to work with depends on many factors – including the type of influencer. Companies have nanoinfluensers, microinfluensers, macroinfluensers and megainfluencers at their disposal. What
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Influencer marketing is becoming more and more popular, supporting many brands and enabling them to gain a competitive advantage. No wonder that more and more people decide to start their careers on the Internet. However, it is not an easy path and requires patience and an appropriate strategy. How to gain popularity and become an
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“Influencer” is a term that has gained importance in recent years and is present in almost every area of our lives – from business to politics. Some people associate it positively, and others it arouses a lot of reluctance, but no one passes by it indifferently. So it’s worth taking a closer look at the
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