
Affiliate marketing Affiliate Scams – Traffic Bot

Affiliate marketing is legal and safe if each party to the cooperation honestly follows all the rules. Unfortunately, just like in any other industry, you also have to reckon with various types of fraud. They can affect both publishers and advertisers. One of the affiliate scams is the generation of traffic by bots. Using bots or similar programs makes it possible to increase clicks or extort transactions. It is worth learning more about this phenomenon in order to be able to protect yourself from it. There are, of course, bots that are helpful, but those that generate fake traffic are simply harmful to advertisers. An affiliate agency like Onaffiliate will help with any affiliation-related  issues.

Bot and its role on the Internet

Traffic bot and fraudulent use of bots

Types of traffic bot

Recognition and blockade

In order to detect fraud related to traffic coming from bots, you should first and foremost verify the sources of traffic. The appearance of bots can be evidenced by clicks from unknown sources or sudden increases in visibility from a specific sector. You also need to check IP addresses to detect repetitive activity and investigate the credibility of user behavior. Analyzing server logs can help identify bots, especially if they generate large amounts of traffic. It’s also a good idea to use online traffic analysis tools and filter traffic using them. Additionally, there are specialized tools created to detect and block bots, which can be more effective at identifying subtle bots. They operate on the basis of advanced techniques, such as analysing user behaviour, analysing IP addresses, or identifying entities that browse websites in an unusual way. Methods of blocking bot traffic include CAPTCHA protection, a test that requires users to perform a specific action, such as recognizing characters or images, to confirm that they are humans and not bots. It’s also a good idea to create a robots.txt file – instructions for crawling the page for bots visiting it, so that you can designate areas that bots don’t have access to.

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