Affiliate marketing Influencer and its types

Influencers are a huge value for many brands today, enabling them to acquire customers and promote products and services more effectively. However, it is worth noting that choosing the right person to work with depends on many factors – including the type of influencer. Companies have nanoinfluensers, microinfluensers, macroinfluensers and megainfluencers at their disposal. What are their characteristics and what are the differences between them?
Become an influencer
Being an influencer means having an impact on other people’s opinions, behaviors, or decisions, mainly through social media activity. Although many dream of this role, it requires commitment, strategy and consistency.
To become an influencer, you must first of all:
- find your niche and use your knowledge or skills to interest and inspire others;
- build an authentic personal brand that will allow you to arouse positive emotions and pass on good examples to others;
- create valuable content, i.e. photos, videos and posts that convey real knowledge, attract attention and encourage interaction;
- use relevant social networks such as YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Twitch or TikTok;
- Interact with your audience by responding to comments and messages, asking questions, or running contests.
- analyze your statistics, including views and the number of likes or comments, in order to optimize your content and grow your community;
- constantly develop and learn new skills, e.g. in the field of video editing, photography or storytelling.
All this will allow you to become a recognizable person on the Internet, who will win over many brands and will gain the opportunity to participate in various promotional activities (e.g. in the field of influencer marketing or affiliate marketing).
And although there is no official threshold for the number of followers from which you can call yourself an influencer, it is assumed that just a thousand followers can gain the status of a recognizable person who attracts brands. So it’s time to discuss the most important types of influencers.
Who is… nanoinfluencer
The “smallest” among influencers is nanoinfluencers, i.e. a person active on the Internet, with a small but loyal group of recipients. Usually, such a creator has from 1 to 10 thousand followers.
Nanoinfluencers are characterized primarily by loyalty and high community involvement – it consists of people who are willing to comment, like and react to the content shared. What is more, this term can be used when:
- you publish content in a specific niche – the key to success is specialization, most often in one field, e.g. healthy eating, fashion, travel or gaming;
- you influence the decisions of your audience – the promoted products or services are popular with community members, and the ideas inspire others to act;
- The content is considered valuable, and any content shared engages community members.
Nanoinfluencers are distinguished by the fact that they have close contact with their followers and are perceived as authentic people, not online celebrities. And it is the authenticity and high level of loyalty and community engagement that make such people eagerly employed by brands. An example is the Onaffiliate agency, which gathers many nanoinfluencers who contribute to the development of brands and can count on very good earnings.
Who is… microinfluencer
Another type of influencers are microinfluencers, who have from 10 to 50 thousand followers. They provide a bridge between nanoinfluencers and larger creators, combining authenticity with greater reach and impact.
Microinfluencers can boast of high recognition in their niche, but still maintain close contact with their followers. Besides:
- regularly publish valuable and engaging content, which is often even better technically polished and considered professional;
- Influence the decisions of a larger audience, and their community members actively respond to referrals, recommendations, and feedback.
- They arouse the interest of companies, including larger ones, often by participating in influencer marketing or affiliate marketing campaigns.
What does being a microinfluencer give? First of all, greater earning opportunities – such creators are attractive to those brands that are looking for people with a medium reach, but with an engaged community. Moreover, a microinfluenser can become an expert in their field and also gains more influence on wider audiences.
Who is… macroinfluencer
A macroinfluencer is an online creator with a large following, usually between 50k and 1 million followers. It has a very large reach and considerable influence, which allows it to influence diverse groups of recipients. What’s more, its content is usually characterized by high professionalism, and cooperation with brands is a key aspect of the business.
What distinguishes a macroinfluencer from other types? Above all:
- large reach – a community of several dozen or several hundred thousand people allows the influencer to reach people both from their niche and from outside it;
- professionalism – the activity of macroinfluencers resembles the work of a small company, because they employ editors, photographers and sometimes even managers for cooperation with brands;
- versatility – a macroinfluencer can cover more topics and create content for various industries, from fashion to technology to education;
- Influence on trends – such Internet personalities often define what happens in a given community or even industry.
Being a microinfluencer gives, above all, high recognition and significant earnings. This is due to the fact that companies are willing to cooperate with such a creator – primarily due to their wide reach, credibility and professional content. A macroinfluencer can earn money both from sponsored posts, monetization and long-term partnerships, as well as by establishing cooperation with an affiliate agency, e.g. Onaffiliate.
Who is… megainfluencer
Finally, there are the largest influencers, who are referred to as megainfluencers. These are people with over 1 million followers on social media, who are widely known and have gained popularity not only on the Internet, but also in other fields – e.g. music, sports or television. Megainfluencers have a huge reach and influence, making them one of the most desirable partners in marketing campaigns.
What makes a megainfluencer stand out? Above all:
- huge reach, which makes him a global influencer and his posts reach millions of people;
- a professional team consisting of photographers, stylists, PR specialists and agents;
- luxury collaborations – he often cooperates with the largest brands in the world, promoting, for example, fashion houses, global technology companies or large cosmetics concerns;
- creating trends on a massive scale, because his actions, lifestyle or recommendations become an inspiration for many people around the world.
Being a megainfluencer is synonymous with huge earnings, global recognition and many opportunities – not only advertising.
As you can see, each type of influencer has different features and privileges. They have one thing in common – the ability to actively promote brands and earn a lot of money from it. If you want to use the potential of high recognition on the web, it is worth working with the Onaffiliate agency. Affiliation can be the key to high earnings, development and building a growing community.