
Affiliate marketing How to make money with affiliate marketing?

How to make money with affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online. These earnings depend on the level of engagement. Affiliation is nothing more than cooperation between an advertiser and a publisher. The affiliate gets paid in exchange for recommending a given product or service.

How does a marketing partner make money?

Affiliate marketing is a business model in which advertising partners (affiliates) promote third-party products or services, and in return receive a commission for each customer who purchases or executes another desired action. There are many different billing models in affiliate marketing that determine what specific activities of partners will be rewarded. In this article, we will discuss the most important billing models in affiliate marketing and their advantages and disadvantages.

CPC/PPC (Cost Per Click/Pay Per Click)

CPC, or cost per click, is an online advertising billing model in which an advertiser pays only when someone clicks on its advertisement. It sounds like something known, but do you really understand what’s behind it?

Let’s start with what means “cost per click”. This means that for every click on your advertisement on the website, you pay a certain amount. Why is it so important? Because this means that if your advertisement is invisible or no one clicks on it, you do not bear any costs!

But what are the benefits of paying for clicks? First, if your ad is well-designed and targeted to the right target audience, it will be displayed to potential customers who are interested in your products or services. If they click on it, it means they are interested in your offer and are more likely to make a purchase or use your services.

And what does the cost per click depend on? This depends on many factors, including competition on the market and what keywords you choose for your advertisement. The more popular the keyword, the more competition and the higher the cost per click.

And what is PPC, or payment per click? This is simply another name for CPC and is often used in the context of search engine advertising. In this model, an advertiser pays only if someone clicks on his advertisement in search results. Therefore, it is a very popular model in search engines, where users enter queries about products or services, and advertisers want to appear on the first page of results.

CPM/CPT (Cost Per Mille/Cost Per Thousand)

One of the most popular billing models is CPM, also known as Cost Per Mille, and some believe it is more correct to describe it as CPT, or Cost Per Thousand. But what is it, and how does it work?

Well, CPM/CPT is an advertising billing model in which an advertiser pays for each time its advertisement is displayed a thousand times. This is a very popular way of settling advertisements on websites and in advertising networks.

The price for CPM/CPT depends on many factors, such as the size and popularity of the website, the format of the advertisement, as well as the purpose of the advertising campaign. However, in the case of this model of advertising settlements, advertisers usually do not pay for clicking on an advertisement or for conversion. In return, they pay for every thousand impressions of advertising.

One of the biggest advantages of this advertising billing model is the fact that advertisers can reach a large number of people in a short time. In addition, CPM/CPT advertisements are often relatively cheap, which attracts many small and medium-sized enterprises.

However, on the other hand, CPM/CPT doesn’t guarantee that advertising will be effective. Advertisers pay for every thousand impressions of the advertisement, but there is no guarantee that the advertisement will be noticed or remembered by the user.

Nevertheless, CPM/CPT remains one of the most popular advertising billing models in the online marketing world. Its popularity is due to the fact that advertisers can reach a large number of people in a short time, as well as the fact that it is relatively cheap compared to other advertising billing models.

CPV (Cost Per View)

CPV (Cost Per View) is one of the advertising billing models that measures the cost of a campaign based on the number of impressions of an advertisement or video. This model is commonly used in video campaigns on YouTube, where advertisements are paid for each display.

CPV depends on a number of factors, including the platform on which the advertisement is displayed, the length of the advertisement, its quality, the context, and the target audience. The more people in the target audience watch the advertisement, the higher the cost of the campaign will be.

For a video campaign, CPV is usually billed for 30-second impressions, but this does not always mean that the user has actually watched the advertisement to the end. Some ads are available in the “skip ad” format, which means that users can skip the advertisement after a few seconds, and they will not be counted as impressions.

In the CPV model, advertisers pay only for impressions, not for clicks, which means that the display does not necessarily lead to user action. That is why this model is especially useful for brands that want to increase brand awareness and reach without the need to generate conversions.

It is worth noting that the cost for displaying an advertisement in the CPV model can be quite high, which means that campaigns based on this billing model can be expensive, especially if they are aimed at achieving a large number of impressions. Therefore, it is important that your ad is well optimized and tailored to your target audience to reduce costs and increase campaign effectiveness.

CPA (Cost Per Action)

First of all, you need to understand that CPA is a billing model in which an advertiser pays for a specific user’s activity on the website, such as making a purchase, filling out a form or downloading an application. This means that it does not matter how many times the advertisement was displayed, or how many times the user clicked on it, but only whether he made the desired action by the advertiser.

But what does the amount of remuneration for the marketing partner depend on? Of course, everything depends on the value and type of action desired by the advertiser. For the performance of some activities, the advertiser can pay a lot, and for other relatively little. A common billing model within the CPA is a sales commission.

An important aspect in the CPA model is also the system of tracking user activities. In order to properly account the marketing partner, the advertiser must know who made the desired action. Therefore, special tools are used to track the activities of users on the site, such as cookies or partner links.

It is worth noting that the CPA model is one of the riskier models for the advertiser, because it does not guarantee any specific results. This means that an advertiser can invest a large amount of money in advertising, but not receive any desired action from users. Therefore, advertisers often use different techniques, such as market research or statistical analysis, to minimize the risk of failure.

To sum up, the CPA model is one of the most popular billing models in affiliate marketing, in which the advertiser pays for a specific user’s activity on the website. The remuneration for the marketing partner depends on the value and type of action desired by the advertiser, and the tracking system of user activities is necessary for the proper account of the partner. Although the CPA model is risky for the advertiser, it is still very popular in the industry, due to its flexibility and potentially high remuneration for marketing partners.

CPL (Cost Per Lead)

CPL, or Cost Per Lead, is a payment method in which a marketing partner receives remuneration for acquiring a customer who has completed a contact form or registered on the landing page. In fact, this is not such a simple model, because the cost of obtaining such a “lead” can be very different and depend on many factors.

What does the price of the lead depend on? Oh, the list is long! First of all, it depends on the industry in which the advertiser operates, but also on the quality of traffic on the target website, marketing channels, tools used and the way of targeting. It is also always worth remembering that CPL can be used in various forms, from B2B leads to B2C leads.

But that’s not all! It is worth remembering that the cost per lead may change depending on the quality of the acquired contacts. This means that if the target customer registers on the site but does not meet the advertiser’s criteria, the CPL may be reduced. This, of course, requires additional tools and resources, but is one way to secure investment and avoid losses.

CPS (Cost Per Sale)

CPS is a payment model for online advertising. In this case, the advertiser pays only for specific results, not for the display itself. Only when the purchase is made will he pay the specified remuneration to the affiliate.

CPI (Cost Per Install)

It all starts with a click. And then? And then it’s only better. Or worse, depending on whether the ad will attract the user to download the app or not. And it’s at the time of installation that the cost appears, which is called Cost Per Install, or CPI.

But what are we talking about here? Of course, about affiliate marketing, where the remuneration for advertising depends on the number of applications installed. But how does it work? Well, CPI is nothing but the cost that the advertiser bears for every installation of the application caused by advertising. And that’s all, nothing more you don’t need to know, right?

Of course not! Because many factors affect the CPI. The first one is a kind of campaign. Depending on the purpose the advertiser wants to achieve, the campaign can be conducted in several ways. The CPI campaigns are often used to increase the number of applications installed. Then the cost depends on the number of installations.

But that’s not all. CPI is also influenced by many other factors, such as geolocation, target group, application quality or traffic source. The more competition, the higher the cost of installation. And this means that the advertiser must try to make his campaign effective and attract as many users as possible.

CPI is not only the cost of installation, but also a tool to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. Thanks to it, you can accurately track how many installations an advertisement causes and on this basis evaluate whether the campaign was effective or not. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this metric and choosing appropriate campaigns to get the best results.

Of course, as it always happens in marketing, there is no clear answer to how CPI works and how to apply it. It all depends on the goals that the advertiser has to face and on the specifics of the application and the market on which it operates. One thing is certain – CPI is one of the most important metrics in affiliate marketing, and it is worth paying attention to it.

CPE (Cost Per Engagement)

What exactly is this billing model? Here is the question we are looking for answers to. CPE is a payment model for every user interaction with an advertisement. But before we start, remember how difficult it is sometimes to get interaction with your audience, right?

CPE depends on many factors. First, from the type of advertising. CPE can be used in a variety of formats, including surveys, quizzes, contests, and videos. Choose the format that best suits your message.

Secondly, CPE also depends on the specifics of the market. After all, if the competition is large, then the price of engagement will increase. Let’s not forget that customers are exposed to many ads every day. So you have to choose an ad that will cause them to react.

In addition, CPE also depends on the target group. You need to know your audience exactly and what content attracts her attention. Remember that advertising is not just an advertisement, but an added value for your customers.

In conclusion, CPE is a commitment payment model that depends on the type of advertising, the specifics of the market and the target group. So think about what you want to convey to your customers, how you want to attract them, and what added value you want to provide them. Apply CPE and see how your audience begins to engage.

CPC (Cost Per Conversion)

Suppose you have an infinite number of virtual coins in front of you. Imagine that you want to spend them on advertising your product or service. However, you are not sure if your advertising expenses will bring the expected profit. To check this, you need a tool that will help you understand how much of these expenses have been converted into sales. This is where CPC, or cost per conversion, comes in.

CPC is a billing model that helps advertisers achieve specific business goals. However, before we go into the details, we need to know what the conversion is. Conversion is nothing more than converting virtual coins into real money. This is the moment when a potential customer makes the desired action, i.e. makes a purchase, registers on the site, downloads a file, etc.

Now that we know what the conversion is, we can go on to discuss CPC. In the CPC model, the advertiser pays only for each user action that leads to conversion. This means that the advertiser does not bear the costs if the user simply clicks on the ad, but does not make any desired action.

The cost of CPC depends on the competitiveness of the industry in which the advertiser operates. The more competition, the higher the prices. In addition, the keywords that the advertiser puts on are important for the price of CPC. The more popular and competitive keywords, the higher the price.

CPC is an effective way to control advertising costs because the advertiser pays only for shares that actually bring profits. However, he must be careful not to pay too much for the conversion. Therefore, it is important to monitor costs and adjust the advertising campaign to achieve the best return on investment.

In short, CPC is a billing model that allows advertisers to pay only for user actions that are profitable. The price of CPC depends on the competitiveness of the industry and keywords. CPC is an effective way to control advertising costs and achieve the best return on investment.


As you can see, affiliate marketing offers many different ways of generating income for marketing partners. The key to success in this area is to know the different billing models and to be able to use them in practice. Therefore, if you want to start an affiliate marketing activity, it is worth starting with gaining knowledge about available income paths and choosing the ones that best suit your needs and capabilities.

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