
Marketing outsourcing How to outsource marketing successfully?

How to outsource marketing successfully?

Nowadays, more and more companies decide to use the services of marketing outsourcing. This is the practice of marketing outsourcing activities to an external company. When is it worth taking such a step? What part of marketing do you outsource? How to do it effectively?

When is it worth to outsource marketing?

Many companies face a dilemma: their own marketing department or its outsourcing? Before making the final decision, it is worth considering the following issues.

When is it worth to outsource marketing? One of the reasons may be slower than usual revenue growth. A specialized company providing marketing outsourcing services will be able to effectively modify the current activities in such a way that they bring the greatest possible profits.

Marketing outsourcing is a good solution for small companies with a small marketing department, which feels overwhelmed by the amount of duties on it. The external company will effectively relieve it, eliminating the need to employ more full-time employees, which is associated with considerable costs.

Marketing outsourcing is often also decided by business owners who are struggling with delays in the implementation of projects and campaigns. An external company will ensure that they are implemented on time.

Marketing outsourcing is perfect for people who are too busy with everyday duties and do not have time to follow current, constantly changing trends. A specialized company will provide advice on the best strategies to help you stand out from the competition.

Marketing should also be outsourced when there is concern that the marketing strategy implemented so far is not well-thought-out. Every action should start with brainstorming and a thorough analysis of the markets. Only then can you proceed to its creation, testing, phased introduction and accurate measurement. Many companies, due to the lack of time and necessary experience, give up the steps listed above, acting without a specific plan. This is an error. In this way, it is not only possible to waste a large part of the budget, but also to expose the company’s budget. In such a situation, it is worth using the help of a professional agency providing marketing outsourcing services. You can then be sure that all activities will be done professionally, by people with the necessary knowledge and experience.

Marketing outsourcing is also recommended to companies that in their daily work, instead of strategy, focus on the list of current tasks. This is a popular problem among business owners overwhelmed by daily responsibilities, which do not have time to improve the overall direction of the company’s development. In this situation, it is worth investing in marketing outsourcing.

What part of marketing should you outsource?

There are 3 main models of functioning of the company in terms of using marketing outsourcing. The first one is based on an internal team of specialists. The company focuses on hiring a team responsible for a specific area of activity. This model does not imply outsourcing or cooperation with other agencies. The advantage of the solution is control over the conducted activities, a disadvantage – the need to devote time to the recruitment process and complete the team, which is associated with considerable costs. The second model assumes partial outsourcing of work. In this case, it has its marketing staff, but some of their responsibilities are taken over by a specialized third party. The last of the available solutions is a model based entirely on outsourcing. An external company is commissioned here to undertake comprehensive marketing activities.

What kind of activities can be outsourced to a marketing company? They may be related to:

  • Analysis – the marketing team can deal with tracking, analysing and reporting activities. The scope of activities includes, among others, online analytics or generating potential customers.
  • Research – an external company can conduct activities in the field of market research, competition, and customers. They will help you understand the nature of the brand and provide a range of valuable information about market opportunities or adequacy of services and prices.
  • Creative activities – these include the creation of content and graphic materials, such as logos, marketing materials or the website design.
  • Strategy – an external company can develop a strategy for the development of the company, entry into the market of specific practices or personal development of individual employees.
  • Operations – this is about running daily marketing activities, such as database support, marketing e-mail campaigns or running social media.
  • Training – this category includes training of company employees in the field of marketing automation, CRM technology or network creation.

Tips on how to effectively outsource marketing

What is worth remembering when outsourcing marketing activities to a company? Here are some practical tips to help you carry out this process effectively.

Find a partner with experience in your industry

Where to look for experienced marketing experts? There are several possibilities here. You can choose from websites dedicated to freelancers, industry portals and LinkedIn, a social network that brings together professionals from many industries, business owners and those who manage or represent an institution. It is also worth asking for the recommendation of your partners, co-workers and contractors.

Set realistic expectations when outsourcing marketing

At the very initial stage of discussions with an external marketing company, it is necessary to specify what type of work is to be outsourced: will it be a single order or a series of works, a large project, or perhaps a small order? This will allow the company to estimate how much time it should reserve and to determine the schedule of activities. In addition, it is necessary to determine what the purpose of the activities are and what the results are to be adopted. The basis for such cooperation is a properly constructed outsourcing agreement. It should specify what functions or processes are to be carried out by the external company, how long they are to be carried out and how they will be verified. The perfect cooperation of this type is based on trust and has a partnership, dynamic character. Its aim is to obtain both qualitative and economic benefits.

Take your time with the discovery process

It is not worth to hurry with activities related to marketing outsourcing. Instead, it is advisable to think carefully about whom you want to entrust them to, the scope of work to be outsourced and the purpose of such cooperation.

Share comprehensive (and consolidated) opinions

The key to successful outsourcing cooperation is clear, transparent communication. It is worth being in constant contact with an external company providing marketing services, constantly sharing opinions with it about the conducted activities and possible suggestions on possible improvements.

Share up-to-date feedback

In order for marketing outsourcing to bring measurable benefits, it is necessary to constantly control the effectiveness of marketing activities. The company providing such services is obliged to report the effects of the implementation of individual steps, and the company commissioning them – to share up-to-date feedback.

Be flexible

When looking for an external marketing company, it is worth paying special attention for the scope of its services and whether it gives its client the flexibility to increase or decrease it, depending on current needs. It is worth being open to new solutions, which have not been taken into account so far due to insufficient knowledge in marketing. By choosing outsourcing, you can gain access to specialized, innovative tools and technological resources, which will directly translate into better results achieved by the company and a higher position on the market.

Maximize your investment

Marketing outsourcing is the best investment in the future of the company. Although there are some costs involved, they are much lower than hiring an internal team, training them and buying specialized equipment. Moreover, thanks to the external marketing order, it is possible to significantly simplify the organizational structure of the company and turn fixed costs into variables.

Marketing outsourcing is a proven way to access qualified specialists, reduce the costs of running a business and gain the time necessary for the development of the company. The key to success is a well-thought-out cooperation with a trusted partner, based on a properly constructed contract.

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